LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this programme, participants will be able to:
- Manage and Improve efficiency in the courts;
- Demonstrate the impact of the information received in the adjudication of cases on a daily basis;
- Integrate Technology in Judicial Work.
Training Material
Link to Supreme Court of Judicature of Jamaica: Criminal Bench Book
Mr. Justice Patrick Brooks, CD
Miss Justice Hilary Phillips, CD
1. Computation of Time/Clear Days
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd and anor v Access to Information Appeal
2. Service
BUPA Insurance Ltd v Hunter (Roger)
3. Default Judgment
Frank I Lee Dist Ltd v Mullings & Co (A Firm) and Mullings & Co (A Firm) v. Frank I Lee Dist Ltd
4. Rule 12.13 CPR
Richards, Natasha and Richards, Phillip v Brown, Errol and the Attorney General (On Appeal – Not yet determined)
5. Summary Judgment
Vendryes (Dorothy) v Keane (Richard) & Anor
6. Single Judge – Court of Appeal – Extent of Powers
Gregory (Hoip) v Armstrong (Vincent) & Anor
7. Security for Costs
Jamaica Edible Oils & Fats Co Ltd v MSA Tire Jamaica Ltd and anor (Pending Appeal)
8. Expert Evidence
Allen (Joan) & another v Mullings (Rowan)
9. Disclosure
Clarke (William) v Clarke (Gwenetta)
10. Consent Orders / Tomlin Order
Magwall Ja. Ltd et al v Clydesdale (Glenn) and Anor
11. Provisional Charging Order
Bardi Ltd v. McDonald Milligen
12. Costs
Director of State Proceedings & others v Administrator General of Jamaica
13. Relief from Sanctions
HB Ramsay and Others v Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc and Another
Mr. Justice David Batts
Mr. Justice Bryan Sykes, OJ, CD – Chief Justice
Mr. Justice David Fraser and Miss Shawn Ashman
Miss Justice Jennifer Straw, CD
Dr. Judith Mowatt